PlayStation Network (PSN) is now available in the ETN App. (Full details)Apple iTunes and App Store is now available in the ETN App. (Full details)Xbox is now available in the ETN App. (Full details)Amazon is now available in the ETN App. (Full details)Google play - is now available in the ETN App. (Full details)Netflix - is now available in the ETN App. (Full details)Spotify - is now available in the ETN App. (Full details)Steam - is now available in the ETN App. (Full details)×
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Founder of Electroneum Ltd and the ETN-Network; one of the world’s fastest growing cryptocurrencies. Owner of two other successful digital businesses; SiteWizard Ltd (digital agency) and Retortal Ltd (social media scheduler).
Chris Harrison
Head of Blockchain
Chris joined in 2018 and was co-architect to the moderated blockchain. Today, he oversees all blockchain developments, cryptocurrency exchange integrations, and supplementary applications for third party ecosystems and devices.
Nigel Pooley
Head of Business Development
Nigel is a career entrepreneur with more than 25 years’ experience, providing solutions for some of the world’s largest telecommunications brands, including Nokia, Vodafone and AT&T.
Chris Norris
Head of Corporate Relations
With more than 18 years in senior roles at Global Financial institutions, including Merrill Lynch and Citigroup, Chris is well positioned to promote the ETN-Network as the financial markets embrace cryptocurrency.
Cathy Jenkins
Head of Operations
Cathy joined in 2019 in a business development capacity, helping to establish the entire NGO partner network. She was then appointed Head of Marketing to bolster the company's efforts in establishing a global presence. Cathy has since been appointed Head of Operations, bringing her strong leadership, business, and communication skills to formulate strategies and drive goals across various departments.
Advisors and Advocates
David Bull CBE
Former CEO Unicef UK
With 32 years leading global charities, including CEO of Unicef UK, David brings invaluable insight in driving change & success in the fields of development, human rights, education, and environment.